Key Findings from Preclinical Research
(Cell-based and Mouse models)

More than 340% Improvement in Skin Health

More than 300% Increase in Bone Health

More than 190% increase in Progesterone Levels

More than 160% Improvement in Overall Immunity

More than 70% Improvement in Electrolyte Balance

More than 60% Improvement in Blood Cell Count

More than 40% Reduction in Inflammation

More than 35% Increase in Testosterone Levels
Health Benefits
Scientific Publications
Influence of the Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 on Human Osteoblast-Like Cells
Journal: Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
Published: January 16, 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 1
DOI: 10.11648/j.jfns.20180601.14
ISSN: 2330-7285 (Print); ISSN: 2330-7293 (Online)
Authors: Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Mayank Gangwar, Snehasis Jana
Skin Nourishing Effects of Biofield Energy Healing Treatment Based Herbomineral Formulation
Journal: European Journal of Preventive Medicine
Published: May 3, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 2
DOI: 10.11648/j.ejpm.20170502.11
ISSN: 2330-8222 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8230 (Online)
Authors: Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Sambhu Charan Mondal, Snehasis Jana
Impact of Biofield Energy Treated Herbomineral Formulation (The Trivedi Effect®) on Mouse Dendritic and Splenocyte Cells for Modulation of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines
Journal: International Journal of Immunology
Published: December 8, 2016 Volume: 4 Issue: 5
DOI: 10.11648/j.iji.20160405.12
ISSN: 2329-177X (Print); ISSN: 2329-1753 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas, Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Mayank Gangwar, Snehasis Jana
An Investigation of The Trivedi Effect® -Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment to Modulate the Immunomodulatory Effect of Herbomineral Formulation in Male Sprague Dawley Rats
Journal: American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Published: December 11, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 6
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajbls.20170506.16
ISSN: 2330-8818 (Print); ISSN: 2330-880X (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas, Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Mayank Gangwar, Snehasis Jana
Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Parameters in Female Sprague Dawley Rats after Oral Administration of the Biofield Energy Healing Treated Herbomineral Formulation
Journal: American Journal of BioScience
Published: December 11, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 6
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajbio.20170506.12
ISSN: 2330-0159 (Print); ISSN: 2330-0167 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas, Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Mayank Gangwar, Snehasis Jana
Assessment of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on Immune Biomarkers After Oral Administration of Herbomineral Formulation in Sprague Dawley Male Rats
Journal: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Published: December 11, 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 6
DOI: 10.11648/j.bmb.20170206.17
ISSN: 2575-5064 (Print) ; ISSN: 2575-5048 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas,Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Mayank Gangwar, Snehasis Jana
Impact of Biofield Energy Treated (The Trivedi Effect®) Herbomineral Formulation on the Immune Biomarkers and Blood Related Parameters of Female Sprague Dawley Rats
Journal: American Journal of Life Sciences
Published: December 11, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 6
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajls.20170506.11
ISSN: 2328-5702 (Print) ; ISSN: 2328-5737 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas,Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Mayank Gangwar, Snehasis Jana
Impact of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) on Physical, Spectroscopic, and Thermal Properties of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) Root Extract
Journal: International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology
Published: March 9, 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 1
DOI: 10.11648/j.ijfsb.20170201.12
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas,Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Parthasarathi Panda, Snehasis Jana
LC-MS, GC-MS, and NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) Root Extract After Treatment with the Energy of Consciousness (The Trivedi Effect®)
Journal: European Journal of Biophysics
Published: March 9, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 2
DOI: 10.11648/j.ejb.20170502.11
ISSN: 2329-1745 (Print); ISSN: 2329-1737 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas,Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Parthasarathi Panda, Snehasis Jana
Investigation of Physicochemical, Spectral, and Thermal Properties of Sodium Selenate Treated with the Energy of Consciousness (The Trivedi Effect®)
Journal: American Journal of Life Sciences
Published: March 7, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 1
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajls.20170501.15
ISSN: 2328-5702 (Print); ISSN: 2328-5737 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas,Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Parthasarathi Panda, Snehasis Jana
A Comprehensive Analytical Evaluation of the Trivedi Effect® – Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment on the Physical, Structural, and Thermal Properties of Zinc Chloride
Journal: American Journal of Applied Chemistry
Published: February 25, 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 1
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajac.20170501.12
ISSN: 2330-8753 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8745 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas, Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Parthasarathi Panda, Snehasis Jana
Structural and Natural Isotopic Abundance Analysis of Magnesium Gluconate Treated with Energy of Consciousness (The Trivedi Effect®) Using LC-MS and NMR
Journal: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Published: March 9, 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 3
DOI: 10.11648/j.cbe.20170203.11
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas, Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Parthasarathi Panda, Kalyan Kumar Sethi, Snehasis Jana
Evaluation of the Impact of Biofield Energy Healing Treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) on the Physicochemical, Thermal, Structural, and Behavioral Properties of Magnesium Gluconate
Journal: International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Published: February 25, 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 2
DOI: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20170602.13
ISSN: 2327-2694 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2716 (Online)
Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Aileen Carol Lee, Aksana Hancharuk, Carola Marina Sand, Debra Jane Schnitzer, Rudina Thanasi, Eileen Mary Meagher, Faith Ann Pyka, Gary Richard Gerber, Johanna Catharina Stromsnas, Judith Marian Shapiro, Laura Nelson Streicher, Lorraine Marie Hachfeld, Matthew Charles Hornung, Patricia M. Rowe, Sally Jean Henderson, Sheila Maureen Benson, Shirley Theresa Holmlund, Stephen P. Salters, Parthasarathi Panda, Snehasis Jana